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Rev. Dr Robin Routledge

[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content” css=”.vc_custom_1487082836091{padding-top: 10px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”3192″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][cm_page_title title=”BA (Spurgeon’s College), MA (Cantab) PhD (Sheffield)” subtitle=”Senior Lecturer in Old Testament, Director of Research & Academic Dean” tag=”h4″ text_transform=”upper” title_dot=”0″][vc_column_text]Robin gained his first degree in Mathematics from Churchill College, Cambridge, before training for the Baptist Ministry at Spurgeon’s College in London. In 1980 Robin became pastor of Rotherham Baptist Church – serving there for over 25 years. Whilst in Rotherham, Robin completed a PhD in Biblical Studies at Sheffield University on the subject of the Purpose of God in the Old Testament. He taught some Maths courses at a local Further Education College, and for several years was a visiting lecturer at Mattersey Hall, teaching Old Testament modules. He joined the full time faculty at Mattersey in 2006 – though continues to pastor the church in Rotherham. Robin also teaches at the Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels. He regularly presents papers at academic conferences.

Robin is the author of Old Testament Theology: A Thematic Approach (Nottingham: Apollos, 2008/Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2009) and of Old Testament Introduction: Text, Interpretation, Structure, Themes (London: Apollos, 2016). He has co-edited two volumes: Bible and Mission: A Conversation between Biblical Studies and Missiology (Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld Verlag, 2008), to which he also contributed a paper on ‘Mission and Covenant in the Old Testament’, and As Long as the Earth Endures: The Bible, Creation and the Environment (Nottingham: Apollos, 2014), and contributed a paper on ‘Cursing and Chaos: The Impact of Human Sin on

Creation and the Environment in the Old Testament’. Robin has also contributed to other volumes, including David Firth and Paul Wegner (eds.) Presence, Promise and Power: The Role of Spirit of God in the Old Testament (Nottingham: Apollos; Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2011) and Michael Fox (ed.), Reverberations of the Exodus in Scripture (Eugene: Pickwick, 2014), and the IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament Prophets (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2012). He has also written a number of articles for various theological journals, one of which ‘“My Spirit” in Genesis 6:1-4’, Journal of Pentecostal Theology (2011) received the Society for Pentecostal Scholarship’s Award for Excellence in 2012.

Robin is married to Ailsa, a retired primary school teacher, and they have two grown-up children, Philip and Rebekah – who are also teachers – and four grandchildren, Darcey, Rex, Lucas and Leo. His interests now centre on the grandchildren, though when there is time he enjoys crosswords and Sudoku, and reading historical novels, particularly those set during the Napoleonic wars – not least because Ailsa is related to the Duke of Wellington.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]