Our Biblical Language courses offer you a unique opportunity to learn the basics of the languages in which the Bible was written. You can take the course at your own pace, with support from the textbook, videos, and audio, as well as engaging with the teacher directly.
Biblical Language Courses
We are offering two online short courses on the biblical languages (Greek and Hebrew):
Each introductory short course costs £150.
For this, you receive:
- A textbook (posted to a UK address)
- Eight recorded lessons (audio and video). These cover the opening lessons of the textbook.
- 15 minutes access to a supervisor (usually via zoom) at the end of each session
You can take up to a year to complete the course. You take each lesson in your own time, contact your supervisor at the end of the lesson, who will answer any questions you have and send you the next lesson.
Please note the following:
- These courses are purely audit courses, and are not part of a validated degree programme.
- You may cancel your booking within 14 days. You will receive a full refund on the understanding that you return any items posted to you undamaged.
How to Book
To ask more about either course, or to book on either course, please contact Missio Dei: