01777 817 663 info@missiodei.ac.uk

CPD and Short Courses

Missio Dei is delighted to be able to offer CPD and short courses to help leaders and church workers to develop their skills and knowledge. The courses offer tuition from experts in their field, facilitate informative and meaningful debate, and endeavour to challenge and inspire you.

The following is a list of short courses that are available to audit throughout the year from September 2024 – March 2025:

Christian Apologetics (13th - 16th January)

The short course in Christian Apologetics will:

  • Introduce the major schools of thought and the overall principles involved in the practice of Christian Apologetics.
  • Demonstrate the way in which philosophical, cultural and historical factors lie behind any understanding of Christian truth claims.
  • Consider cultural literacy and how faith and religious practice interacts within their wider cultural context.
  • Address key issues in society, including LGBTQ+, climate change, creation care, social justice, etc. and to develop an informed theological response to these.
Click here to register
Christian Doctrine (10th - 13th February)

This course explores the core beliefs of the Christian faith and their impact on daily living. Divided into two key sections, the course will cover:

Part 1: Foundational Christian beliefs rooted in Scripture and theological reflections across early, classical, and contemporary thought.

Part 2: How these beliefs shape Christian approaches to ethical issues.

Join us to deepen your understanding of faith and its practical application in life and ethics.

Click here to register
Continual Christian Leadership (17th - 20th March)

This 4-day course focuses on personal and corporate growth in Christian leadership. Key areas include:

    • Theological and biblical insights on leadership topics: relationships, stress, finances, and communication.
    • Emotional intelligence and its role in leadership.
    • Exploring the essence of Christian leadership.
    • Theological reflections on corporate prayer, mission, and generosity.

Join us for an opportunity to deepen your understanding of leadership through biblical principles and practical wisdom.

Click here to register
Youth Ministry Part 1 (11th-14th November) & Youth Ministry Part 2 (13th-16th January)
  • Nov 11-14 / Part 1: What does it mean to be a young person today? How can youth ministry and the Church help young people become mature followers of Jesus? Part 1 explores these questions, and also covers some key basics of youth ministry today

    Jan 13-16 / Part 2: As youth ministers, how do we help young people navigate the many issues in the world today, whilst remaining faithful to Jesus? Part 2 of our Youth Ministry course explores current issues for youth ministries and deepens the conversation into what spiritual formation and pastoral care for young people looks like in these spaces.

Click here to register


Each short course includes:

  • Classroom lectures – with leading scholars and practitioners
  • Short course notes – to accompany the teaching
  • Light Refreshments
  • Course Fees: 2 day courses – £150 / 3 day courses – £185 / 4 day courses – £250

*Course details are subject to change

Click on the Short Course to find out more and register

For more information, please contact us at info@missiodei.ac.uk