At Missio Dei, we are committed to the principle of equality of opportunity for all students. We take particular concern to make all reasonable provision for students with disabilities so that they may participate in all our programmes without disadvantage.
Our Disability Officer works with the students, communicating with the faculty and individual tutors to ensure that the student gets as much help as possible for their particular disability.
Before the student begins their studies, the Disability Officer will discuss requirements and offer support to students who have special needs and disabilities, to represent those requirements to members of the teaching faculty and other members of staff, and to identify ongoing training and information that will help college staff to work with students who have special needs and disabilities.
We also work to remove any potential barriers to learning in lectures, classes and tutorials through measures such as recommending teachers follow College guidelines for hand-outs (concerning font sizes, styles, coloured paper, etc.), we schedule wherever possible, lectures and seminars in venues accessible for wheelchair users, and we provide electronic versions of syllabus reading lists and course documentation with the possibility (where appropriate) of making this available in a variety of formats (for example large print).
Missio Dei is also committed to helping students with disabilities in whatever practical way it can. In the past this has involved the provision of signers for deaf students, special arrangements for examinations, special furniture or IT equipment and additional staff assistance.
To access this additional help the student needs to produce an official assessment of need. Missio Dei is also committed to helping students with disabilities in whatever practical way it can. In the past this has involved the provision of signers for deaf students, special arrangements for examinations, special furniture or IT equipment and additional staff assistance. To access this additional help the student needs to produce an official assessment of need. The College is pleased to do whatever it can to facilitate full implementation of any reasonable adjustments required within such assessments. We need to make it clear, though, that as a private institution we do not receive the necessary funding to enable us to finance the testing of any students who may have learning difficulties. However, where students commence their studies at college without having had such testing already carried out, the Disability Officer will give advice and support as to how this can be done. When an assessment of need is available, the Disability Officer will discuss the implementation of its recommendations with each individual student.
The Disability Officer will also contact prospective students to make them aware of the support available, and where necessary give advice on how to obtain an assessment of need – this will occur before their college course begins, so that any provision may be implemented from the start.
If you would like to discuss how the College would be able to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact our team, either by email: info@missiodei.ac.uk or by phone: 01777 817 663 (ask to speak to Admissions).
For information about disabled student allowances (DSA) please click on the link below:
Click the link below to download the Disabled Students Allowance Application Form.
Disabled Students’Allowance Application Form